Friday, 8 November 2013

'Romans in Edinburgh?!'

I never knew that Romans lived in Edinburgh. I get a bus pass and it's fun to do these workshops.  The workshop that I enjoyed was when we dressed up in costumes at Holyrood Park, I was the Roman, it was embarassing! -- Jonnie

'We should fix it'

Something that shocked me is that some places are not in the best condition and we should fix it.  I also liked when we went on a bus tour around the town. We learnt about the Botanic Gardens: where they are and what they do. -- Courtney

'The boy with a third leg'

One of the things that surprised me was when we went to Surgeon's Hall and Emma told us about a boy born with a third leg and foot in 1940... I will find out what it's called!
 -- Nicole. 

'Trees have different uses'

One workshop we went to Arthur's Seat where we met Lily the Ranger. She told us that the bark from willow trees was used for pain relief. If you chew the bark it's like taking a paracetamol!

This is a picture of me and Maggie - I've enjoyed meeting new people at the workshops.

-- Millie

Friday, 11 October 2013

'Exploring a wasteland...'

Today Millie, Jemma, Chloe, Nicole, Courtney and Ami-lee, went to investigate Calton Road. We were interested to see what it's like in reality, and how that's different from what we thought  it was like.  We noticed there are not a lot of colours, there's loads of cracks in the stairs, but it has potential!

Monday, 9 September 2013


Welcome to the Our Natural Capital blogsite!

This is the beginning of our journey, investigating Our Natural Heritage in the city centre... it's exciting to think what we might find out, what new things will be revealed to us. We're going to enjoy hearing what the experts have to say, then making up our own minds...